The following errors appear in The Word in the Wilderness.
ix, entry for fig. 26 1719 1739 x, entry for fig. 31 birth and baptism certificate baptism certificate 10, line 39 presentation presentations 31, line 1 1682 1681 49, line 18 Lutheran Methodist 95, line 19 Cantzieischrift Cantzleischrift 115, fig. 26 caption line 1 1719 1739 137, line 14 as critical as a critical 141, fig. 31 caption line 1 birth and baptism certificate baptism certificate 164, line 17 recoded recorded 194, line 40 Coral Vocal
Image: Hilmar Curas, Calligraphia regia: Königliche Schreib Feder…Ins Kupfer gebracht…am 3. July 1714 (Berlin: Im Verlag des Autoris, 1714). Courtesy of The Winterthur Library, Winterthur, DE.